Thursday, August 14, 2014

Knits + Stripes

Knit: Zara | Pants: Zara | Heels: DVF | Necklace: Similar 

You guys, it's still hitting triple digits here buuutt I've hit a wall with Summer and am totally looking into Fall...oops! I know, I know - I L I V E for Summer usually but these crazy hot & humid Texas days have me craving cooler weather, chunky knits & fall colors. 

During the cooler months, I find myself gravitating towards men-inspired pieces & these trousers had my name written all over them. I'm loving the stripes & seriously can't wait until my whole closet is screaming Fall / Winter! 



  1. I definitely feel the same way, I'm so ready for fall! (& I used to live in TX so I know how summer can be there haha.) But, I love this outfit, Zara always hits the nail on the head, right? Especially with the brown wedges--perfect transition outfit.


  2. Triple digits? Wow! Here in NYC it's been oddly cooler than usual. Such a change from last summer. As you said, I'm ready (almost) for fall as well. I recently did a shoot with a rugby stripe pant and sweater. With the temps so high, you must have been dying when taking these pics. Regardless, you were able to get good photos. You look so cute.

  3. My stripe collection is the striepd Polo Ralph Lauren Striped Silk shorts for sale only at Boutiqueken.


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